Run thousands of Windows programs on Mac and Linux


Search Before You Purchase

We test hundreds and hundreds of Windows programs for CrossOver compatibility every month. Our team diligently tests and rates Windows software adding to our compatibility database daily. Search thousands of CrossOver tested Windows programs to see if the Windows software you want to run on Mac and Linux will run with CrossOver.

If you cannot find your application in our database. Feel free to submit it.

Stats Top Lists Submit App BetterTesters Try CrossOver

Application Last Updated Rating
Farm Frenzy: Pizza Party 2011-02-24 14:20
Garden Dash 2023-10-31 02:50
Golden Trails 1 - The New Western Rush 2023-07-12 15:19
Gourmania 2: Great Expectations 2011-02-24 14:20
Haunted Manor: Lord of Mirrors 2010-09-04 23:34
Hidden Mysteries: Vampire Secrets 2010-08-04 17:03
Jack of All Tribes 2011-02-24 14:20
Jane`s Hotel: Family Hero 2011-02-25 15:24
Jane's Hotel 2011-02-25 15:20
Jane's Hotel Mania 2011-02-25 15:21
Jane's Realty 2011-02-25 15:22
Jane's Realty 2 2011-02-25 15:22
Jane's Zoo 2011-02-25 15:24
Kate Arrow: Deserted Wood 2010-08-04 17:03
Luxor 2023-08-29 06:07
Luxor 2 2011-02-24 14:18
Luxor 5th Passage 2023-08-31 00:42
Luxor Adventures 2023-08-29 06:28
Luxor Bundle Pack 2023-08-31 10:30
Luxor Mahjong 2011-02-24 14:18
Maestro: Music of Death Collectors Edition 2011-02-24 14:20
Mahjong Towers Eternity 2010-09-21 16:53
Mahjong Towers II - The Rise of Shanghai 2011-03-04 05:42
Midnight Mysteries: Salem Witch Trials 2023-10-19 03:43
Midnight Mysteries: The Edgar Allan Poe Conspiracy 2010-09-01 15:54
Mystery P.I. - Stolen in San Francisco 2012-11-17 07:44
Mystery P.I. - The London Caper 2012-11-17 07:44
Nightfall Mysteries: Asylum Conspiracy 2023-10-31 02:45
Nikopol: Secrets of the Immortals 2023-03-18 18:37
Pizza Chef 2010-08-24 15:55
Pizza Chef 2 2010-08-24 15:55
Puppet Show: Lost Town Collectors Edition 2011-03-21 17:00
PuppetShow: Souls of the Innocent 2023-08-31 15:24
Redemption Cemetery: Curse of the Raven Collector's Edition 2010-08-04 17:03
Retro Records 2023-10-31 02:21
Shadow Wolf Mysteries: Curse of the Full Moon Collector's Edition 2011-02-24 14:20
Sherlock Holmes - The Mystery of the Persian 2010-08-30 20:26
Shop It Up! 2023-08-31 15:26
Skymist - The Lost Spirit Stones 2010-08-30 19:55
Slime Army 2023-08-31 15:30
Strange Cases: The Tarot Card Mystery 2010-09-27 20:45
Stray Souls: Dollhouse Story Collector's Edition 2011-02-24 14:20
The Flying Dutchman: In the Ghost Prison 2023-10-30 02:40
Treasure Seekers: Visions of Gold 2023-10-30 02:06
Treasures of the Ancient Cavern 2010-09-01 15:53
Vault Cracker 2023-10-30 03:02
Wedding Salon 2011-02-24 14:20
Youda survivor 2 2023-10-30 02:10

51 to 98 of 98

Compatibility Database Statistics

20,089 applications in database.

4,008 gold medal applications in database.

3,878 1-click install via CrossTie applications in database.

498,943 total CrossTie downloads to date.

Steam is the top downloaded CrossTie with 10,211 downloads.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is the top voted application with 68 votes.

Top 10 Applications

These are the applications that our users have contributed ranks and votes for. We use this data to help us determine which applications we will focus our development effort toward.

Top 10 Ranked

This list is by the number of submitted ranks, not the medal value of the ranks. To rank an application, search for the application, then simply click the Submit Rating button.

  1. 12,515 · Steam
  2. 905 · Grand Theft Auto V
  3. 784 · Mikrotik Winbox
  4. 772 · Desktop App
  5. 650 · Lord of the Rings Online
  6. 625 · Guild Wars 2
  7. 597 · Diablo IV
  8. 588 · Rockstar Games Launcher
  9. 581 · Epic Games Store
  10. 568 · Notepad++

Top 10 Voted

To vote for an application, search for the application, then simply click the Vote button.

  1. 68 · Red Dead Redemption 2
  2. 39 · Epic Games Store
  3. 31 · HELLDIVERS™ 2
  4. 29 · Diablo IV
  5. 27 · Age of Empires IV
  6. 22 · Cities: Skylines II
  7. 22 · Overwatch 2
  8. 22 · Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition
  9. 16 · GOG Galaxy
  10. 13 · Cyberpunk 2077


We our users. So much so in fact that we have created our BetterTester program. Users in this program help us make CrossOver a better experience and earn epic loot. Check out our BetterTester page if you are interested in signing up.

Top 10 BetterTesters

Name Rank XP
Dadu042 193 193,569
Mario Muñoz 51 51,345
Arnauld de La Grandiere 51 51,250
Pierre 45 45,245
Paulthetall 43 43,905
David. 39 39,240
Precisionetica 38 38,385
Thomas Knueppel 38 38,265
Silviu Cojocaru 38 38,005
Carlos Rafael Ramirez 37 37,378

Why try CrossOver before you buy?

Unlike an emulator that requires a full copy of the Window OS, CrossOver translates the commands your Windows application wants to use to your installed OS and back. This translation system means you don't need to spend hours setting up Windows OS first, you can just install your Windows application directly into CrossOver and run it.

But it's a big process to try and recreate all the Windows OS commands, and CrossOver isn't complete yet. Many Windows applications work great, but some might have reduced functionality, or possibly not run at all. That's why we encourage everyone to try their favorite Windows applications first in our 14-day, completely functional trial of CrossOver and see for before purchasing.
We also maintain a large Compatibility Center database of user reports, documenting how various Windows applications run in CrossOver. If your program runs under CrossOver you're good to go with the easiest, least expensive, and friendliest Windows compatibility software out there. And even if it doesn't, you've only spent a few minutes to potentially save yourself several hundred dollars and all the hassles that come with Windows.

So before you go plunking down your hard-earned money for an emulator AND a copy of Windows AND spend an entire afternoon setting it all up, give us a try!


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